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“I Am Not Alone. 我不是孤單一人。”

The last ten days I was back in Taiwan. On Monday and Tuesday I filmed a live studio recording for my new Chinese worship album. The whole project came together quite last minute, but by God’s favor I was able to get all my favorite Taiwanese musicians and director into one studio

2024 Brisbane 音樂心靈饗宴

Friends in Brisbane, Australia! I will be sharing and singing at Sunnybank Uniting Church on Tuesday night, September 24th! My first time in Australia!  澳洲布里斯本的朋友們!我將於 9 月 24 日星期二晚上在 Sunnybank United Church 分享和唱歌!我將是第一次來澳洲!  6:30pm 免費茶點供應 名額有限 => 立刻報名 22 Hillcrest Street, Sunnybank Hills Q4109 Sunnybank Hills...

New Songs & Missions 新歌與宣教

Before leaving the girls’ house, they prayed for me. “Lord, bless Melody’s trip back to Taiwan and the people she will meet along the way.” I remember at the time thinking, “Evangelism? I’m not sure I’ll have time for that.” Turns out God always has time for reaching the lost. The only question is if we will be His hands and feet.

在離開女孩們的房子之前,她們為我祈禱。“主啊,祝福Melody回台灣的旅程,以及她在路上會遇見的人” 。當時我記得我在想,“傳福音?我不確定是否會有時間”。事實證明,神總是有時間去尋找失落的人。唯一的問題是,我們是否願意成為祂的手和腳。