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Exciting Updates from Japan + Ways to Partner「來自日本的最新消息 + 與我同行的方式」

10 月 17, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments





Exciting Updates from Japan + Ways to Partner

Thank you so much for your support over the years. 

In this letter, I want to share with you what the Lord has been doing in my life this season. 

As you may know, I moved to Tokyo, Japan, almost 3 months ago. At the beginning of 2024, I started feeling a desire to reach more unbelievers. Reading the Book of Matthew one morning, Jesus’ words about being the “light of the world” stirred my spirit. I started praying about the next season of my life, if God would bring me to a new environment where I could reach more non-Christians. 

Then in June, I came to Tokyo to visit my friend Esther, who pastors a church called Awakening Tokyo with her husband Masa. (The three of us were students at BSSM almost 10 years ago.) During that trip, I fell in love with their community and vision: to see revival in Japan, formerly known as a “missionary graveyard.”

Obeying the prompting of the Lord, I moved here to Tokyo at the end of July. That was almost 3 months ago. And I’d like to share with you some updates from my time here in Japan so far:

The first month when I arrived, God gave me two new songs. The first song was an English song called “My Trust Is In You,” and my friend Momo helped me translate it into Japanese, “Shinjiru.” The second song “Osorenai” I wrote completely in Japanese with the help of two other friends, based on David’s speech to King Saul before he faced Goliath. 

Also, a month ago I wrote “So I Am Loved,” based on Pastor Masa’s Sunday sermon. 

The style of this last song is very different from what I usually write, which turned out to be quite symbolic because immediately after writing this song my life took a big turn: 

The next day I asked a friend for some marketing advice, and instead of advice he suggested that I take a break from YouTube so that I can focus on what God has for me in this season. You can find out more about the process behind this decision HERE, but long story short, I ended up following his suggestion. 

Therefore, I will not be making any new YouTube videos for a while—maybe six months, maybe longer. 

However, the good news is that I do have new music coming out. 

This summer I recorded my new Chinese worship album, and in August I was back in Taipei recording the live studio music video with a full band. My director 阿宏老師 and his team are editing the MV and lyric videos at the moment, so as soon as they are done I will be publishing them on my channel and streaming platforms. 

The other good news is, now that I’m taking a break from YouTube, I can focus on growing and stepping out in Outreach, one of the main reasons why I was drawn here in the first place. Awakening Tokyo focuses largely on outreach and evangelism. Every Sunday afternoon, we go out onto the streets as a church to preach the gospel. 

And two weeks ago during Sunday outreach, I led 2 young men to Christ in Tokyo. 

This was only my second time praying the salvation prayer with someone I just met on the streets. My first time was not too long ago:

While I was in Brisbane for Awakening Australia (a gospel stadium event) at the end of September, one morning I was talking with my friend Akane, who is a bold preacher of the gospel. 

I said, “Akane, I have never led anyone to Christ on the streets before. It feels so hard. How do you do it?”

She said, “Don’t feel bad if they don’t accept it. Many times I share the gospel, and they don’t listen, but you just keep sowing seeds. You never know, someone just might receive salvation that day.”

It’s like songwriting, I thought. For every 10 songs you write, maybe 9 will be bad, and 1 will be good. So you can’t be too caught up on writing the perfect song every time; you just have to keep writing. 

Sharing the gospel is similar. You can’t be too caught up on how they receive your message; just keep sharing. 

I thanked her for the encouragement and determined to share the gospel without worrying about the results. 

Then that very afternoon, during outreach in downtown Brisbane, I led someone to Christ on the streets for the first time. She was from Korea in Australia for working holiday. My friend and I shared the full gospel with her, and when I asked if she would like to accept Jesus into her heart, she said yes.

The amazing thing is we didn’t even share our personal testimonies with her. She was just open to the gospel. It made me realize that, if they’re ready, they’re ready. It has little to do with us. We just to need to make sure we ask, i.e. lead them to a decision point. And if they say no, that’s okay. 

Because what if they say yes? Reminds me of my song, “What If I Fly?”

Now, back to the 2 young men I met during Sunday outreach. We were in Ueno park as usual. I saw a young man taking videos of our worship team playing music and asked him what he thought about it. We started chatting. I found out he’s from China, visiting a friend who lives here. I ended up sharing the full gospel with him and asked if he’d like to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. 

He asked, “How do I do that?”

“It’s very easy. Just pray a short and simple prayer with me.” 

He said okay, and we prayed.

Then his friend arrived, and I started talking to him. He said that he believed in Jesus. 

“So are you a Christian?” I asked.

“No,” he said.

“I think Jesus is waiting for you,” I replied. Then I asked him the same thing, if he’d like to accept Jesus into his heart. 

He asked, “How do I do that?” 

“It’s very easy. Just pray a short and simple prayer with me.” 

And he said okay. I led him in the salvation prayer and then connected him with one of our church members who teaches Alpha Course (an evangelistic course that introduces the basics of the Christian faith). 

Both of these experiences have strengthened my faith and given me new perspective on Evangelism. For one, I used to think the outcome was up to me, so I felt a lot of pressure to say the right thing or make something happen. And two, I used to think evangelism was only easy for “evangelists,” and I was not an “evangelist,” so that’s why it was hard for me.

However, now I know that evangelism can actually be easy. Because 1) it’s not up to me. Holy Spirit is the one who moves people’s hearts. We just have to be available. Sure, the first step of approaching a complete stranger can be hard, but once we get past it and let God’s love flow through us, it is amazing how God creates connection. 

And 2) who said I’m not an evangelist? In the past I put a lot of labels and limitations on myself that I’m learning to let go of now. I want to let God define me—and the truth is: With God, nothing is impossible. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil 4:13).

Therefore, I am excited for this new season. 

Besides laying down YouTube, the start of this season was also marked by moving into a new house, which I now share with 6 other girls. I look forward to growing in community and communication. 

Of course, growing in intimacy with the Lord is also a big pillar for me in this season, because foundation is everything. 

God is an Architect. He wants to make sure we have a firm foundation before building anything substantial on top of it, especially if we want to leave a lasting legacy, whether in this life or in eternity. 

I sense that for Awakening Tokyo as well. The church and ministry school that I am a part of here is growing quickly. Sundays are often packed, and we are already looking to expand to Shibuya (Only three months ago, five of us—one dutch missionary and four local Japanese—planted a church in Sendai, a city in Japan’s Tohoku Region, northeast of Tokyo). Masa and Esther’s vision is to see thousands of Japanese people give their lives to Jesus in stadiums across Japan. Therefore, foundation is critical. As a body of Christ, we are praying and focusing on strengthening the pillars of Outreach, Community, and Intimacy with the Lord everyday. 

If you would like to partner with me, as a missionary and ministry school student here in Japan, I want to welcome you to become a recurring donor through Modern Day (CLICK HERE). 

Also, even though I will be taking a break from making new YouTube videos, I hope my old videos—美樂地家庭 podcast, 在家敬拜 Worship at Home, and original songs—will continue to bless you and others around the world. Sharing my videos also helps. You can find them all HERE.

Thank you again.

May this verse encourage you as it encouraged me:

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” – Matthew 5:14-16

The harvest is ripe in Japan. God is raising up more and more Japanese Christians and missionaries as the salt and light, to preach the gospel with boldness and power. No longer a “missionary graveyard,” Japan will be known as a land of revival, the land of the True Rising Son.

Thank you for reading this letter and for partnering with me.


With Love,


「來自日本的最新消息 + 與我同行的方式」





然後在六月,我來到東京拜訪我的朋友Esther,她和她的丈夫Masa一起牧養了一間名為Awakening Tokyo的教會。(我們三人差不多十年前在BSSM學習過。)在這次旅行中,我愛上了他們的社區和異象:看到復興在日本這片過去被稱為宣教士墓地的土地上發生。


我剛到達的第一個月,神賜給我兩首新歌。第一首是英文歌,叫《My Trust Is In You》,我的朋友Momo幫我把它翻譯成日文,叫《Shinjiru》。第二首《Osorenai》完全用日文寫成,靈感來自大衛面對歌利亞時對掃羅王的演講,兩位朋友幫助我一起完成這首歌。

大約一個月前,我又寫了《So I Am Loved》,靈感來自Masa牧師的主日講道。






另一個好消息是,既然我暫時放下YouTube,我可以專注於傳福音,這也是我最初來這裡的主要原因之一。Awakening Tokyo主要聚焦於外展和傳福音。我們教會每個週日下午都會走上街頭,傳講福音。



在九月底參加《Awakening Australia》時(這是一場福音體育場活動),有一天早上我和我的朋友Akane交談,她是一位勇敢的福音傳道者。








因為如果他們說是呢?這讓我想起了我的歌曲《What If I Fly?》



















我也感受到Awakening Tokyo的同樣情況。我在這裡所參與的教會和事工學校正在迅速增長。每個主日都擠滿了人,我們已經在考慮擴展到澀谷。(就在三個月前,我們的五個人——一位荷蘭宣教士和四位日本本地人——在仙台,一個位於東京東北部的城市,開設了一間新的教會。)MasaEsther的異象是看到成千上萬的日本人在全日本的體育場裡將生命獻給耶穌。因此,根基是至關重要的。作為基督的身體,我們每天都在禱告,專注於加強外展和社區的支柱。

如果你願意和我一起成為這裡的宣教士和事工學校學生的夥伴,我邀請你成為我的經常性捐助者,通過Modern Day點擊這裡)。








Melody 黃友聞



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